Sakya Thubten Namgyal Ling: Sakya Institute
Sakya Thubten Namgal Ling Institute was established in 1980 by His Holiness Sakya Trizin. The purpose of this Institute is to train young monks to develop into the next generation of teachers and thereby preserve and disseminate the teachings of Lord Buddha.
Students of this institute come from monasteries in India and neighboring countries. Candidates for admission must satisfy the basic educational requirements formulated by the Board of Governors of Sakya Institute. On the completion of academic studies in Sakya Academy, young novices have the choice to enroll in the Sakya Institute of Higher Buddhist Studies to learn higher Buddhist philosophy which will help prepare them to be teachers of Buddhism, or Sakya Centre monastic school, which will train them in traditional rituals and dance to be specialists in ritual performance. In addition to the study of Tibetan Buddhism, culture and other related subjects, the Institute also offers courses in Tibetan and English language. The Institute provides the students with free boarding and lodging as well as medical care.